The Journey Begins

“Early Miss” Grow  –  August 1, 2018

I am Don McPhee, a disabled senior with chronic pain due to back and hip problems. I am on Fentanyl, Statex and Ketorolac all for pain. I am also prescribed 4 grams of THC/day. That boils down to 51.5 oz. per year.  Now that I am retired, this cost is prohibitive.  I have the paperwork prepared for government authorization to grow my own, just my doctor to authorize, he said a week Friday. My old paperwork to possess 150 gm has expired and gone through the washing machine once. Time to update.

I bought seeds from Crop King in BC. Good people. The company has many pain killing Indica seeds to choose from. This variety was chosen partially because of it’s pain killing use but it will be harvested quickly, around Halloween. It can grow down to 10 degrees which it just might be that time of year. While looking at their catalogue, next year will be “Crown Royal” and “Green Crack”.

Early Miss is a marijuana strain that is Indica, auto flower and feminized. All this means is: Indica generally used for pain killing effects on the body. Auto flower is genetically modified to switch into flower mode at 7 weeks. Generally sunlight is the deciding factor, growers adjust to 12 hours darkness then 12 hours sun to bring on the flowering cycle. Feminized seeds guarantee the plant is female, not male.  Females when left unfertilized will produce the strongest buds. Males produce no buds and will fertilize the female plants causing seeds to grow, not create those wonderful buds.

Equipment: The equipment needed is a small investment compared to the savings your first year. Lights: I got 2,000 watt LED with 200 bulbs, full spectrum (from TOMTOP, China for $159. USD), get 1,000 watts at least. Timer for the lights makes it so much easier.  Air Filter: To keep the smell down, an air system is necessary. I got the Mountainair MA 620 one of the best carbon filters on the market. I plan on keeping the wife happy. Add a vent cover and piping, you are almost done.

Assorted Equipment: Soil Moisture checker, over watering can cause problems. Fan causes motion and strengthens stems.  PH water strips, better water, better grow.              5 Gallon Buckets with holes in the bottom. Trays to hold the buckets. 2 Liter jug for watering. Good soil to grow in. Total cost:  $700.00 Cdn

Nutrients and Fertilizers: I am now using Ganja Brand nutrients. I have tried Advanced Nutrients products but Ganja Brand head office is only 15 minutes from home. Ganja Root, the replacement for the Voodoo Juice (that I lost), is 10 times as concentrated and costs less. Both are good ideas in my opinion. Using a full line of products will ensure more and higher quality output. To achieve near 20% THC, all additives should be used as directed.

Germination: My seeds arrived July 27th, I got them into room temperature Spring Water soaking for 18 hours. After a few hours, give them a finger tap, they will probably sink.  At this point place them on 6 or 8 layers of paper towel that you keep wet not soaking. The PH of this water should be 5.5 – 6.2 or as close as possible. Put them in a warm dark place until they crack and sprout. Place carefully into a coco seed pod, keep in a dark place until it sprouts then give it light. Water lightly, do not drown. Do not use fertilizer or nutrients until week 3.

Potting: Once leaves are formed, put into a pot that allows drainage along with quality soil. Plant so the pod is just under the soil. Re-pot as necessary to ensure a smooth grow.